på allvar. Tyvärr slog livet till ordentligt och på grund av sitt stora handikapp har det blivit ordentliga hack i karriären.

Hon har flertalet tillfällen fått höra att en rullstol har inget på en scen att göra, men eftersom hon själv anser att hon inte sjunger med däcken, så har hon envetet kämpat vidare mot småaktighet och fördomar. Se flertalet artiklar på Bambis Privata sidor.

Har varit en mycket populär radiokåsör i P4 samt att hon 1988 röstades fram av Sveriges lyssnare som den sommarens populäraste sommarpratare. Började lyssna på jazz vid 4 års ålder och då var det Duke Ellington som gällde. Första låten var Caravan.  Är känd för att sjunga allt, en mycket bred repertoar, och började på allvar sjunga jazz 1987 tack vare Frank Pantrini och Trish Reynolds i Fuengirola i Sydspanien. Trish blev Bambis mentor i jazzdjungeln. Har framträtt över hela Sverige, Sydspanien, Ryssland och andra länder. Har sjungit med fantastiska jazzmusiker både Spanien, Sverige och andra länder.  Samarbetat med Git Magnusson och hennes son Hjalmar Leissner i flertalet konserter och mängder av visaftnar i Spanien. Medverkade i Bernt Egerbladhs konserter i Spanien. Har producerat egna jazzshower på engelska teatern i Fuengirola med bl a underbara artister som pianisten Claes Crona, basisten Gunnar ”Ankan” Almstedt, den oförglömliga saxofonisten Frank Pantrini, trombonisten John Rubin etc etc etc. Har också producerat flera musikkassetter och CDn, där hon själv stått för både musik och sång.

Fick 1993 Melodianternas första kulturpris ”för bevarandet av den litterära cabaréen i Sverige” men jazzen ligger mycket hjärtat!

Bambi Elinsdotter Oscarsson

BAMBI ELINSDOTTER, singer Luleå Sweden/Fuengirola South of Spain


Has been singing since three years of age. Won her first singing competition at the age of seven. The prize was a half a kilo of butter! But have never been singing buttery songs, exceptition has been if someone of the audience has made a request!  The first solo debut was when she sang “O holy night” at the age of 13 years, at the Christmas breaking up at school.  Then a special condition; she wanted to stand behind the stage curtain since she was scared. The only one visible was the MD of the school, Hilding Larsson. The same man is said to been crying blood when Bambi with her voice potential was not allowed by her parents to have musical education. She participated in very good choirs led by Rolf Pettersson and Kjell Lönnå in her hometown.  Debuted as a solo singer at Krogen Krogen in Umeå in the north of Sweden. She sang among other things Gershwins Summertime, her favourite tune all kind! The same evening the rock artist Totta Näslund and the wonderful ballad singer Thorstein Bergman were on stage.  Was a ballad singer until she was pick away from the stage by a jealous boyfriend, who was of the opinion that ‘fine’ girls should not be on stage.  For seven years she only played and sing on private parties. When she moved to the North the solo singing really started up. Sad to say life stroke hard and of course of her big handicap, there were some big gaps in the career.

She several times have been told that a wheelchair carried person has nothing to do on a stage, but since she herself considered that a handicap should not stop someone from acting or singing, she unyieldingly  continued to fight against pettiness and prejudices. Please see articles on Bambis Private Sites.          

Have been a very popular broadcaster radiokåsör i P4 and 1988 she was voted as the most popular female broadcaster  in one of the most popular program, ‘Sommar,sommar’, sommarpratare  in Sweden. Started to listen to jazz at the age of four,  and at that time it was Duke Ellington. The first jazz tune was Duke’s Caravan. Known to sing everything, she has a broad repertoire  and seriously started to sing jazz 1987 thanks to Frank Pantrini and Trish Reynolds from Fuengirola in South of Spain.  Trish became Bambis mentor in the jazz jungle. 

Has been performing all over Sweden, South of Spain, Russia and other contries.  Has been singing with the most wonderful jazz musicians in Spain, Sweden and other countries. Cooperated with Git Magnusson and her son Hjalmar Leissner in a lot of concerts and numerous of music evenings in Spain. Participated in Bernt Egerbladhs  concerts In Spain. Has produced several own music cassettes and CDs where she herself was responsible for  both music and singing.

May 1993 she was the first to get the culturprize from the Melodianterna in Stockholm for “the maintaining of the literary cabarets in Sweden”, but jazz is very close to her heart!


Några av den hängivna publiken!

Some people from the devoted audience!


Kent och Monika Granström, Luleå, riktiga jazzfantaster!

Kent and Monika granström,   Luleå, true jazz diggers!


Mille Radojkowic, en älskad Luleåprofil! Här på lördagsjazzen!

Mille Radojkowic, a beloved profile in Luleå! Here on the Saturday jazz! 

Bambi Elinsdotter Oscarsson, november/November  2002


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